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"Event Temple has exceeded our expectations."

Marius Zacharriasen

First Hotels - 60 Properties

Trusted By Thousands Of Users In

23 Countries

The folks at Event Temple are great to work with. They have programmed an excellent product and are constantly making changes to improve it even more. The automation provided by Event Temple has helped us increase our business.

I don’t know what I would do without EventTemple! It saves me tons and tons of time. I use it to follow up with new leads. In addition, I use it after the sale to give information to clients, as reminders to them, and keep in touch with them.

My hotels saw a 60% greater contract return from clients and those contracts came back on average 30% faster than when we were sending PDFs that had to be printed, signed and scanned back.

Rick King

Bluff Mountain Inn

Sandy Lunger McDavid

Palafox Wharf Waterfront

Jasmin Marcus

Swift Hospitality


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